Feature & Follow Friday {3}

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. The two blogs they are featuring this week: Books Are Vital & Once Upon A Time.

Q: When you’ve read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

I'm mainly an e-reader so there's nothing to do with it except keep it on my Kindle. I have back ups of every book just in case I do delete it off my kindle. I buy very few actual books these days and if I do, it is something that can not be purchased on Kindle like a bonus pack or a guide that doesn't show up well on e-ink screens so those are collectibles in which I would keep.

The books I do have, I keep, even though I may never read them again. Some I keep for sentimental reasons and all I keep for the reason of me liking to collect books :0) I would love to have a huge collection of nothing but beautiful hard covers one day... to go along with a huge library in my future house lol.

14 bibliophiles:

TheReadingPenguin said...

Yeah, I've been reading more ebooks too. I've got a ton of them just sitting on my Kindle, never to be read again.

New follower!


Michael @ The Bookshelf Review said...

I am mainly a ebook reader also. But any ebook I like I have to buy in phyiscal form and I keep on my bookshelves. =] Great answer. New Follower. =]
Here is My FF

Sheri said...

Oh I would love a huge library with hard cover books. My poor little bookshelf is starting to bend under the weight of the books I have. Following you back and I love the lovely adult books too :)

melannie (: said...

Yeah I also have very few physical books, that's why I keep them all, I mostly buy ebooks on my kindle.

new follower, thanks for coming by my blog! (:

Sidne said...

ooohh girly, i'm so feeling you on the home library. I'm hoping by the summer of 2012 mine will be finished. I have a 500 book collection just waiting for their own room.
I do ...http://sidnereviewz.blogspot.com

Sarah said...

An e-reader is a great way of saving room but my dream is to have my own personal library, here's mine

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads said...

Thanks for hoping by my blog. Already a follower. I have just started reading ebooks. But sometimes I miss the feel of a book in my hand.

Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy

scribeswindow said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I've been coveting an ipad for some time and I often wonder how I will be able to show off my book collection when I start using one.....

Juli Rahel said...

Some books you just cannot give away! I always wondered how my mother could allow me to have her childhood books because I cannot even stand my sister looking at them! XD Hop on over if you have the time and I hope you have a great weekend,
Juli @ Universe in Words

Rebecca said...

Yeah, I have an equal amount bound to digital book ratio, but I could always use more shelf space. Or like you said just a new house would be fine too:) Old Follower!

Rachel Brooks said...

I like to collect books too. But if I don't enjoy it, I won't keep it.

Here is my Follow Friday post

New follower =)

Tia said...

I'm mostly an e-book buyer as well! So, I don't have to worry about having that much space anymore! New follower!

My Follow Friday!

Amie@Mom Reads My Books! said...

I have all my books backed up as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Good answer! Thanks for following me, I'm following you back!


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