I've decided to start a book blog because I love to write and read. I read about a book per day and sometimes, I forget what I thought and felt about a certain book I read 6+ months ago. I also love to discuss books. Well I love to discuss all things photography, book, cats, or computer gear related. Let's hope that with the change in my schedule coming this Fall with school, college and possibly a new employment, I will still be able to dedicate myself to this blog as well as my regular blog, photographing my life and kids, and scrap booking those photos. Oh, and let's not forget my regular household duties. Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?
Well, bear with me while I design my website and figure out how I want to present my reviews and whatnot.
This is just a blog dedicated to the books I've read and liked, disliked, showed interest or no interest in, and so on. My reviews are my own opinions. I am an independent reviewer. I do not receive any compensation for the reviews posted here. I am a Book Depository Affiliate through book links here directed to said affiliate sites. And as always, it's under construction! If you would like to contact me, my email is mzalisakay@gmail.com
{ About Me } My name is Alisa. I'm 26. I have 2 little boys and 2 cats. I am married to my best friend. We live in the state of hockey :0) And I love reading. A lot. In all genres. Mostly adult books with smut (hence the title of blog), but sometimes YA and non-fiction as well.
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